Wednesday, July 29, 2009


few week pass and i can't even enjoy my life...
maybe report assignment and tutorial every single day are meant to be enjoyed....
not to 4get that i watch harry potter ady... sum ppl say not nice maybe not their taste..
but for me overall the show was very interesting... the meaning of how does the title relate to the movie and much more...
no regrets ^.^
the end of the show dumberdor died... haiz how sad..
well stil got 2 more harry potter movie to watch... patiently waiting for it #.#
well got to continue on my report now... that all i wanted to write...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sien lu~

Its kinda weird in 1 week i didn't go out hang out wit frens for once...
he... he... leg too itchy ady....
So decided to go out with joe n 2 more frens for "MINUM"
At first we though of playin snooker around pandan indah... Haizz... close lio~
Then we ended up in MCD chit chatting... laugh as much as possible.. cuz laughter is the best medicine as i know~
We talk and laugh for lik 4 hour... alot tin to talk~
Then 1 of my fren beh tahan ady.... 4A.M ady!!!!
Well at least i enjoy very much going out with them so dun mind go out til 4am... damn early where the birds started to crow and we just went for bed... >.<
Sleep lu~~~

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

what a happy day

yes... at last get to watch transformer~ but eventually turn out not as gud as the 1 show althought the show is so dramatic all the while... well i went wit 1 bunch of fren which is also from my foundation courses with an enjoying moment... as we chat and laugh all the while... so happy^^ thanks for 2day's trip...
The story for this show is about prime all the while... where the decepticon were recruiting and finding about sum sort of piece which they can get enercon to make them sustain longer... while sam was jus about starting his college life n his gf was working as a mechanic... which in a 2 diff world~ well when the previous show which a bout all spark breaks there tis small pieces which landed in sam shirt~ eventually he hold it and all the infomation bout the pieces save into his brain >.> then during his life in college he kept on mumbling about weird sign n code... the cutes part was the small decepticon robot switch side due to the sam's gf~ damn funny... ok ok continue... so he then find what is bout the thingy in his brain... during the process optimus died killed by megatron... then sam n his small crew uses the small pieces awaken an old decepticon which also switch side.. after that they travel to "mesir" to find sort of a thing can revive anyrobot if poke onto it and switch on the machine to get enercon... then optimis was send there to... as they was on the way to reach optimus... decepticon start to attack so... bash here!! bash there!! bang here!! bang there!! i also got confuse which is which as all almost look a like colour... finally sam #.# there where the romantic part take place and sam was send to optimus heaven where the optimus ancestor send back to earth to revive optimus... then all in sudden all stop battling and megatron master(which command the decepticon all the while) teleport in front optimus and steal away the thing... then the old decepticon offer optimus his part in order to get very strong to kill and destroy the machine which obtain enercon... bang here n there finally optimus won... which is very 'kua' 1 robot kill 3~6 robot... but then megatron n starscream being coward ran away... well this show there is an contuniation i guess~ well the ending part no need to tell la.. try to guess it or watch the movie^^
that all for 2day's post..

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tiring day...

10 t0 7 le~

yahoo~ damn lucky got a parking slot when i reach my college during the time that not surpose to have 1..
wahaha... Now i know how it feel to drive in a jam condition... haiz... damn sien wan lo although the radio is on...
hope my car is equip wit police or ambulance or mayb fire car alarm function damn syok...
Well so far bout my degree programme 1st time i saw about 70% student in fluid mechanic lecturer the student get out of the class cuz to bored to hear the way lecturer teach which i too thought it was bored >.<
Want to share very interesting movie with you all...
it almost gave me an heart attack~ what some more if it is not the show of "drag me to hell"
very nice movie yet damn scary... 1st of all it nice bacause it have an ending story which most of the ghost story don't have and also got some funny scene....
the "po po" wit not teeth bite a lady part super funny... scary part arr~ hmm.... all the while scary wor~ even in the cinema also scary cause got lik 20 ppl only#.# Thats all for 2days post~

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

wasted day

What a day>.>
From 8am to 10.59am my eye was lik ham yu (#.#) trying to understand what the lecturer talking... hearing every word they say... copy every word they write... trying de question they asked
but you know la god provide us 1 pair of ears...
so is like every the words they say is like 1 way"go in left come out right or vice versa" very hard to block it ~.~
My class ended at 11am, when the clock strikes 11 my eyes turn active (o.0)
So after class me a ah may went to college to collect our transcript...
it was so damn important until we can't even help kar wai take his transcript so damn fruss wit it.... " sorry kar wai"
Meet some of the lecturer there just got to say hi and can't talk few word wit them (maybe they got to rush for classes)
ended up i reach home bout 2pm plus...
tot i stil can enjoy on tuesday since tats the only day i ended my class super early...
That y i say 2day is a wasted day...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


UTAR "really My Choice" (#.#)
kinda busy this 2 weeks with my degree with lot n lots of thing....
sry Yunni (,^^)
i tot entering Degree would be quite relaxing...
but ended up... (@.@)
for the last few days....
  1. less sms
  2. spend time on tv lesser
  3. got to quit some on9 game
  4. sleeping hour lesser by few hour
  5. a lot complaint from a lot of ppl >.>
  6. study more @.@
  7. cannot wake up late
  8. pocket hole getting larger
  9. wa~ a lot more le...
but~~ luckily got spend time with frens n ^^ last sat watch 17again... kinda interesting the show
sry ya if my blog don't have pictures....

Monday, June 1, 2009

1st day degree~.~

All the stress coming back>.<
kinda fun in UTAR for the 1st day but fell asleep during lecturer class(ha... ha...).
but can't blame me totally bout falling asleep cuz the hall is in a hot condition then the lecturer monotone. ~haiyo~.~
Hmm... kinda da disappointed can't get to know alot of new frenz and also can't pay attention in class much. #.#
nothing much to write for de 1st day...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

1st day orientation



meant can meet new frenz n also old 1's...

well 2day basically i surpose to go this setapak orientation

but....(he... he...)

i didn't attend it


so v wit ashley walk here n there from 1 end to de other end jus to fill up our empty time..

then finally v decide to stay in de office block.. (air cond~)


Sunny reach K.L!!!!!! (Ashley very happy ady.. ^^)

thhen v go help him shift his things to his new condo...

kinda messy condo but very big...

then v kind in the rush tat time was 2.20pm. So we go back to UTAR pay fees then v go MCD drive through for lunch be4 the promo ends at 3pm. >.<

After got de food v park at MCD.. then v 3 pray very very hard so that nobody look at us in a very weird way when v enter MCD... (ha... ha...)

Sunny keep on saying... v all very sam pat la go drive through jus to get 1 free sundae choco then enter MCD sit down hav our lunch. >.<

then v head to tesco... v r even more sam pat... go find trolley though going to buy alot of stuff..

after round n round the whole tesco.. ended up buy 3 stuff n it's not bigger then a A4 paper...


hmm... came through tis e-mail my fren send to me n it's quite through bout it:

LEO MAN He likes to comb his hair backward, open his forehead showing a dignify facial ___expression. His eyes is sparkle, but slightly showing laziness. He walks firmly and slowly like a lion, confident and ego proud. Outside, you may think he is kind and gentle person, but inside he is a strong and secure person. If he is frighten, he will re-act and respond right away. His words always seem normal but mostly imply 'order and demanding'. He will not talk fast, or can not talk fast, neither walk fast. In a crowd or at work he will act normally, but not for long you will see him standing out of the crowd and be a center of attention with his words, or his action. You might think he is a shy guy, but deep down inside he wants to power over his family and his friends. He just waits for that right moment. Do not take what is his, and do not order him, or else you will see a fierce lion. He respects elderly and senior, but will never bow down and accept like a looser for he will rather die than loose his dignity. He talks bluntly even on an occasion that he should not say such thing. He is a compassionate guy and always look at other people on a bright side. He likes people to listen to him. Even he has such a blunt and bold personality, he could easily reach his goal without making any enemy. Once disagree with him on something, he can be very up set like a rainy storm on a summer day. It will only last a short time, then he will be back a cheery merry person again. He is a bright and witty guy, and he will not put any efforts on something that he thinks it will not work and waste his energy. He is a good planner and can well manage his job assigned. When he gives order, he expect them to be carry out exactly. He is the leader type that the followers love. He can give other people advice and solve problems for other people well, except his own mess. He can be easily hurt by other people especially if you do not trust or respect his ability. You could compliment him sometimes and make this lion be your kitty with no difficulty. He is not a good judge for he listen to many people and tend to belief all sides. You can hardly see a Leo man with no woman by his side. If you see him alone, he could already have a love one in his heart, or just broken up with one. Because he is very proud, he can change many girl friends. He will do many things for the woman he loves, but loosing his face is not one of them. Leo man can not live without love , because for him Love is a ray of Light. He likes people to rely on him, it's make him feels 'in power'. He may complaint if he is asked for favor, but deep inside he is happy that you asked him. If you offer to help him , he will refuse you right away. When he is broke , he can find money still. He is not careful with his way of spending for he has fun with spending money and happy to buy what he likes. He lets other people borrow money from him easily even if he has no money, he will run to his friend to borrow money for you. He likes first class , first quality of everything. He can work hard like a mad dog, and sometimes can be lazy like a lazy sleepy cat. When he works, he is very serious. When he parties, he can be a party animal. If he ask you out, you will sure have a fun and jolly time. He will take chance with his love life, so if you know how to handle him, you will win. If he is your love one, it won't be a romance novel. You have to be ready to calm him down when he over reacts to small matters because your cool stability will control and ease his mood. If you can not handle or understand him, your relationship will be like a demolition zone, a on and off relationship till all your friends tired to hear about your breaking up and making up. Beauty is always in the eyes of the lion. You have to be dignify to walk with the lion king. Your looks is part of his image and ego and he is very proud about it too. If you want his attention the first time you meet, you better be astounding attractive. If you have a first conversation with him, you have to show him how much you adore his thinking. He likes to talk and not knowing that he likes to talk about himself.

so i jus end my post for TODAY >.<

Monday, May 25, 2009

FiNaLly mAdE My DeCiSioN To bLoG

New Here>.<

Just started to learn how blog.>.< (Don't gives bad comment about it ya)

Stil need some help from friends to make my blog look creative.>.<

Started to blog cuz i'm out of idea what to occupy for my last week of holiday so just trying it out whether it work for me or not n also sum interest in it.

WELL just finish my foundation~

About my foundation:

  • miss some of my friends
  • lost some of my friends
  • learn a lot of new things
  • miss a lot of things
  • eat a lot of cake
  • had a lot of fun
  • laugh here n there
  • travel here n there
  • yell here n there
  • kill a lot of mosquito
  • run here and there

All just ended like that. (T.T) (miss that moment)

Hope theres more in the future.

But the 1 most important thing is:

"Not to forget that v r stil friend"

