Monday, May 25, 2009

FiNaLly mAdE My DeCiSioN To bLoG

New Here>.<

Just started to learn how blog.>.< (Don't gives bad comment about it ya)

Stil need some help from friends to make my blog look creative.>.<

Started to blog cuz i'm out of idea what to occupy for my last week of holiday so just trying it out whether it work for me or not n also sum interest in it.

WELL just finish my foundation~

About my foundation:

  • miss some of my friends
  • lost some of my friends
  • learn a lot of new things
  • miss a lot of things
  • eat a lot of cake
  • had a lot of fun
  • laugh here n there
  • travel here n there
  • yell here n there
  • kill a lot of mosquito
  • run here and there

All just ended like that. (T.T) (miss that moment)

Hope theres more in the future.

But the 1 most important thing is:

"Not to forget that v r stil friend"



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