Tuesday, June 30, 2009

what a happy day

yes... at last get to watch transformer~ but eventually turn out not as gud as the 1 show althought the show is so dramatic all the while... well i went wit 1 bunch of fren which is also from my foundation courses with an enjoying moment... as we chat and laugh all the while... so happy^^ thanks for 2day's trip...
The story for this show is about prime all the while... where the decepticon were recruiting and finding about sum sort of piece which they can get enercon to make them sustain longer... while sam was jus about starting his college life n his gf was working as a mechanic... which in a 2 diff world~ well when the previous show which a bout all spark breaks there tis small pieces which landed in sam shirt~ eventually he hold it and all the infomation bout the pieces save into his brain >.> then during his life in college he kept on mumbling about weird sign n code... the cutes part was the small decepticon robot switch side due to the sam's gf~ damn funny... ok ok continue... so he then find what is bout the thingy in his brain... during the process optimus died killed by megatron... then sam n his small crew uses the small pieces awaken an old decepticon which also switch side.. after that they travel to "mesir" to find sort of a thing can revive anyrobot if poke onto it and switch on the machine to get enercon... then optimis was send there to... as they was on the way to reach optimus... decepticon start to attack so... bash here!! bash there!! bang here!! bang there!! i also got confuse which is which as all almost look a like colour... finally sam #.# there where the romantic part take place and sam was send to optimus heaven where the optimus ancestor send back to earth to revive optimus... then all in sudden all stop battling and megatron master(which command the decepticon all the while) teleport in front optimus and steal away the thing... then the old decepticon offer optimus his part in order to get very strong to kill and destroy the machine which obtain enercon... bang here n there finally optimus won... which is very 'kua' 1 robot kill 3~6 robot... but then megatron n starscream being coward ran away... well this show there is an contuniation i guess~ well the ending part no need to tell la.. try to guess it or watch the movie^^
that all for 2day's post..

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