Tuesday, June 16, 2009

wasted day

What a day>.>
From 8am to 10.59am my eye was lik ham yu (#.#) trying to understand what the lecturer talking... hearing every word they say... copy every word they write... trying de question they asked
but you know la god provide us 1 pair of ears...
so is like every the words they say is like 1 way"go in left come out right or vice versa" very hard to block it ~.~
My class ended at 11am, when the clock strikes 11 my eyes turn active (o.0)
So after class me a ah may went to college to collect our transcript...
it was so damn important until we can't even help kar wai take his transcript so damn fruss wit it.... " sorry kar wai"
Meet some of the lecturer there just got to say hi and can't talk few word wit them (maybe they got to rush for classes)
ended up i reach home bout 2pm plus...
tot i stil can enjoy on tuesday since tats the only day i ended my class super early...
That y i say 2day is a wasted day...

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